Where should you play soccer?

Are you currently at this location right now?

What to look out for

  • ballBall will travel faster in this direction
  • ballAvoid, it's raining
  • ballBe prepared for a warm soccer game...

So where should you play soccer?

You are currently at and our smart computer has calculated that you should play soccer at .

Here are some dry soccer fields near .

If you're curious about our smart computer...

Firstly, we calculate the nearest weather station (with temperature) to each ActiveSG field.

No more muddy fields...

Secondly, we assign a score to the field's current rain condition, temperature and distance to you. The final recommendation includes the ActiveSG field with a good compromise of relaxing temperature, bearable distance and no muddy field.




Finally, here are the results...

We hope you enjoy your game of soccer!